Sunday 31 March 2013

Because sometimes

Because sometimes, God has better plans for you. 

I've had to overcome quite a few things in these past weeks.
I've let the worst side of me win at times but Alhamdulillah with the faith that I have in me
I always know who to turn to,
I know that He has better plans for me.
I know that it will all be for the best.

When I was small, I used to always get so worked up when something didn't go my way
(I still do).. 
But now, even if I do start to feel like that
I always pick myself up, turn myself towards Allah
And assure myself, that Allah is the Almighty!
If thing's don't work out.. then He has an even more magical plan for me
I'm grateful to have been brought up with this belief built in me

So thank you, Ya Allah
I know, that you will not test me with something that I cannot handle.
You know me more than I know myself.
I thank you for giving me this life and all the happiness that comes along with it. 

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